

I arrive into Berlin at about midday, after a long 30 or 40km or so through its outer suburbs, trying to avoid major roads. I send a few emails , to arrange to pick up keys to the apartment I will be borrowing for the next 13 days. My phone has seized up since being rained on in Dresden as I hunted for a hostel.
Doze and read next to the canal.
I meet up with an old friend, Courtney, who has the keys, to 68 Manteuffel strasse, and we catch up over a Berliner beer.
The apartment is beautiful, and I pass the evening in it, glad to have somewhere that briefly I can call “home”, thanks to Staf and Desh.

So I will be in Berlin for a couple of weeks, until Caroline arrives here for a weekend, and then we go to London together. I really like this city already, but know its going to get a whole lot better once she is in it too.






One response to “Arrival”

  1. Peter Stenhouse

    Hi, I just stumbled across your journal because I have the same name as you. (Im’ in the U.S.) I’m enjoying reading about your adventures. Maybe you’re back in London by now. Anyway, good luck with everything!