Early morning rise, sourrounded by slugs, in my central park hideaway. Empty streets at 7:00.
Florian sees me as I wait for the Leopold museum to open. He is a cyclist too, he has that glint in his eye, and invites me for a coffee at his cafe, and then to stay at his house.
He is exceptionally generous. He has to “give back” for the kindness shown to him on his last cycle tour through the states. He must have been treated very well, for I am fed, and given beer and cocktails when i return back to his cafe in the evening when he finishes. And its a fantastic evening, sat in the Museum Quartier, the square is full, we talk of tailwinds, dreams and freedom. I have met him for only a few short hours, but already call him a good friend, a like minded individual.
My day in Vienna had been good already, spent admiring the work of Egon Schiele, Klimnt, and the Jungenstil movement in the Leopold museum, and then passing the afternoon, next to the New Danube, which is actually blue, swimming, reading, and putting new handlebar ribbon on Rose.
Stagger Back to Florians flat happy.

Vienna for another day